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6月24日、Jonがモデレーターを務めたTelecom CouncilのDistributed Cloud & Mobile Edge Computing フォーラムでは、「クラウド・コンピューティング能力を、ユーザーに近いエッジに分散する」技術が話題でした。そこでのインフラベンダーの話によると、エッジのインフラは、「一桁ヘルツ」単位の精度があるそうです。つまり、1ヘルツあたりのデータ通信量が4ビット(4Gにおける常識的な数値)と仮定して、1チャンネルあたり5ヘルツなら20 bpsとなり、トラフィック量の非常に小さいIoTに必要な「十分狭い」帯域のチャネルをものすごくたくさんとれる、ということになります。
「I love you」という短い文章のメールマガ上のエコノミクスの記事が出ていますが、そういうわけでWe love youと申し上げておきます。
イベント関係では、6月28日に、ジャパン・ソサエティのパネルでJonと海部、それにグーグルで「ナノディグリー」プログラムを運営するシャネア・キング・ロバーソンさんが対談しました。次は、7月22日、「US-Japan Innovation Awards」イベントが開催されます。Dropbox、日本初の「ユニコーン・ベンチャー」となったメルカリ、Women’s Startup Labの堀江愛利さん、元駐日米国大使ジョン・ルースさんなどが登場します。ぜひ、ご来場ください。
July is here, and with it, San Francisco summer weather.
Our panel on the on-demand economy on June 28 came and went. Many thanks to those who joined us. Shanea King-Roberson with Google shared insights about their Android nanodegrees; Michi explained labor demographic differences between the US and Japan. In particular, we enjoyed this video from Google, showing a mother and daughter talking about learning how to become Android developers.( Photo to the right.)
Coming up next from the Japan Society and Stanford US-Asia Technology Management Center: theUS-Japan Innovation Awards, featuring Dropbox and Japan’s first unicorn, Mercari; keynote remarks from Ari Horie, founder and CEO ofWomen’s Startup Lab; a host of startups who will visit from Japan; and remarks from former US ambassador to Japan John Roos. Join us on July 22nd.
July 4th happened (and we have proof!). A lot of fireworks were exploded, begging the question: what process do pyrotechnicians use? Do they wing it back there (likePippin and Merry at a hobbit party)? We asked an expert (who still has use of all his fingers). Regretfully, it turns out pyrotechnicians use multi-channel wireless firing systems. Here's an example.
In our last edition, we mentioned the Telecom Council’s recent Mobile Edge Computing forum, which essentially refers to putting cloud infrastructure at the edge of the cellular network, say, in a central office, i.e., very close to the user. A panelist from an infrastructure provider mentioned something worthy of note here - that edge infrastructure is capable of single (digit)-hz precision. Let’s say a wireless carrier has 10 Mhz paired spectrum, meaning 10 MHz up and 10 MHz down. Five hz precision, at 4 bits/hz (rule of thumb for 4G) would mean a channel *narrow* enough to support 20 bps, or low-traffic machine to machine applications. This could open the door to low-traffic (and potential high margin and sticky) and low-latency applications, like, say, autonomous cars. Something that got our attention. Hopefully this doesn't mean autonomous cars are a 5G thing.
The economics of “I love you” are getting some press. So, let us be clear - we love you.
- Team Blue Field